About us

The idea comes from a young bartender, who on holiday in Puglia in Otranto hears from some locals: “From here you can see the mountains of Albania”. The young man did not believe in people’s words, until I saw with his own eyes .

respect for
mother nature

A London Dry Gin that is made from a selection of 13 botanicals including juniper and sage, enriched with citrus notes.
On the nose it is a bomb of aromas, on the palate an explosion of lemon and orange freshness. After the first sip you begin to feel the angelica, iris, sage and juniper.

The place & ginmaking

On the nose it is a bomb of aromas, on the palate an explosion of lemon and orange freshness.


However, not only quality botanicals are enough to make a great gin, but also the use of artisan alcohol.